
Hello, on this website you can find details about my PlayStation®Mobile games and apps.
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Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Next Game Progress Update

Good news, I've got to the point where my next PSM game is almost ready for release.

Bad news, I jumped on the scoreboard bandwagon and like a few other developers I'm sitting on my hands waiting for the next SDK update because scoreboards are slightly broken at the moment.

There are a few more changes I can make to the game, but they're not essential. I managed to convince myself not to play any games until it's done, so it's starting to get monotonous working on this all the time.

I'm tempted to start the release going right now without scoreboard support. At least that way I might get some feedback on the game that can go into a scoreboard patch. Or I could just cut my metaphorical losses and push this thing out the door, the SDK 1.20 scoreboard API isn't as complete or robust as I would have liked.